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Certification of Welding Procedures

CESOL has a long experience in the certification of welding procedures at European or International level. The qualification of the procedures is done according to the European standards EN ISO 15614, section IX of the ASME code or any other regulation.

We can help you to certify your welding procedures, reducing the number of procedures required to the minimum necessary according to your production needs.

CESOL certifies personnel, processes and products. We have been certifying quality for more than 40 years. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. For its accreditations, CESOL has the backing of the following entities:

  • ENAC (National Accreditation Entity).
  • EWF (European Welding Federation).
  • IIS/IIW (International Institute of Welding).
  • GSI, German organisation formed by the SLVs of Berlin-Brandenburg, Duisburg, Fellbach, Halle, Hannover and Munich.
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