Free topic related to welding, adhesives, additive manufacturing and other joining technologies.
Expected duration of the presentation 20 minutes (in case the work is accepted for oral presentation).
Language of oral presentation: Spanish or English.
Language of presentation of the written text: Spanish (preferred), although English is accepted.
Reception of the declaration of intention to participate: Before November 15, 2024.
Amount to pay per conference presented: 453.75 euros (375 euros plus VAT). Includes registration of the first speaker to the Conference at a reduced price.
Summaries and full texts must be sent by email to jornadas@cesol.es, with the organization reserving the decision of the format in that the works are finally published.
Summaries and full text:
Abstracts must contain the following minimum information:
- Full title of the presentation.
Author(s): Name, surname and company/entity. (Once the summaries have been delivered, changes to authors or companies will not be allowed).
Contact person for communications: email and telephone.
Summary. It is recommended to prepare a summary of approximately 2 pages, with the organization of the Conference reserving the right to publish either the summary, the complete work or both, in the format it deems appropriate.
Billing information of the first speaker (Entity/Name, CIF, Postal Address and Zip Code).
Each author/entity may present up to
two works. If they wish to present more, they must determine which two they wish to be evaluated for acceptance or not in oral format and the rest will go directly to the poster.
The presentation of works implies acceptance of the conditions of the organization of the Conference.
Text format:
Both the summary and the full text of the work, in Spanish or English, must be delivered in digital format. The text in Word (without hyperlinks) and images and/or figures in
independent files *.tif, *.jpg or *.cpx.
Works that are not laid out in the requested format will be rejected.
Layout format:
Conference title: Verdana 16, capital letter, bold.
Description of authors: Verdana 11, lowercase, bold, author's initial and first last name.
Description of author companies: Verdana 11, capital letter, bold.
Title: Verdana 12, capital letter, bold.
Subtitles: Verdana 11, lowercase, bold.
Description of tables or figures: at the bottom in Verdana 10, italics.
Text: Verdana 10.
Right and left margin: 2 cm.
Top and bottom margin: 2 cm.
Alignment: justified.
Line spacing: simple.
Indentation: no indentation.